You will see a list of all the libraries that have been shared with you. To open the shared library, go to EndNote (Later than EndNote X7) desktop version, select File > Open Shared library. Once signed in, the invitee will receive a notification that they are ready to access the shared library. If they do not have an EndNote online account, they can set up a new account. The invitee will be directed to the page, where they must sign-in to the EndNote online account they sync through. They must click the Accept button in the email to accept the invitation. Compressed Library (.enlx) is also best practice for backing up your library.
Best practice: Use File > Compressed Library (.enlx) to save your library as a compressed library before moving or renaming it. DATA folder is considered an extension of the library and must always be saved in the same directory. A library can be independently moved, copied, renamed or deleted using File Explorer always move, copy, rename or delete both the name. If you need more than one library synced with an online EndNote, contact us, we can help. Only one library can be synced to your EndNote Online (Basic) library. X8 and X9 can share with X8 or X7 users (up to 100 users.). X7 can share with other X7 users (up to 14 users.). Only one library can be shared with an EndNote Online (Basic) account.
You can open more than one library at a time. No limit to the number of references in a library recommended not to exceed 100,000 (X7 or previous version.).
Make sure the style is using the Full Name or one of the Abbreviations as needed.In the list of styles, highlight the style you are using and click the "Edit" button.Next, to make sure the style is using the correct substitution, go to "Edit > Output Styles > Open Style Manager".You can highlight a term and manually edit the entries if necessary. Go back to the Terms tab to make sure the list is correct.In the Lists tab, select Journals and hit the Import List.( If new library with no references, skip this step.) In the Terms tab, select all the existing terms (Windows: Ctrl+A Mac: Cmd+A) and hit the Delete Term button to clear the list.Go to Tools > Open Term Lists > Journals Term List.
For 64-bit Windows, default folder is C:\Program Files (X86)\EndNote (EndNote Version Number)\Terms Lists. For Windows: default folder is C:\Program Files\EndNote (EndNote Version Number)\Terms Lists. For Macs, you may need to navigate to Applications > EndNote X9 > Terms > Medical.txt. Choose the Medical.txt file and the file should load. In the Lists tab, select Journals and hit the Import List button. Go to Library > Open Term Lists > Journals Term List. All other set up options are one-time tasks in your EndNote Desktop program. Note: Journal Term Lists need to be defined for each new library.